Gratitude Games for Thanksgiving

thanksgiving grateful games

6 Gratitude Games for Thanksgiving: Fun Ways to Celebrate and Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is more than just sharing a meal—it’s a time to express gratitude and connect with family and friends. Engaging in Thanksgiving gratitude games is a creative way to highlight this special holiday’s core values, making the day even more memorable. By incorporating these fun Thanksgiving games into your celebration, you can promote appreciation, strengthen bonds, and add a touch of joy to your gathering.

Why Play Gratitude Games During Thanksgiving?

Practicing gratitude is proven to boost emotional well-being, improve relationships, and foster a positive environment. Including gratitude activities for Thanksgiving can transform your dinner into an experience filled with meaningful conversations and heartfelt reflections. Here are some benefits of playing Thanksgiving games for family gatherings:

  • Promotes Emotional Well-being: Cultivating gratitude reduces stress and helps develop a positive mindset.
  • Strengthens Family Bonds: Reflecting on what we’re thankful for together creates a united and supportive environment.
  • Encourages Communication: Games involving thoughtful questions help participants connect on a deeper level.
  • Teaches Values to Kids: Gratitude games for kids are perfect for helping them learn the importance of appreciation.

Best Thanksgiving Gratitude Games to Try

If you’re looking for fun Thanksgiving games to try this year, these ideas are perfect for all ages. Whether you want gratitude games for adults or simple activities for kids, here are some of the best options:

1. Gratitude A-Z Game

Think of a word you’re thankful for starting with each letter of the alphabet. For example, "A" for "Appreciation" and "B" for "Blessings" This game sparks creativity and encourages positive thinking.

How to Play:

  • Divide participants into teams or play individually.
  • Each team writes a word reflecting something they’re grateful for, corresponding to each letter of the alphabet.
  • The first to complete the list wins!

2. Gratitude Dice Game

This game uses a die and a set of gratitude-themed questions. Each participant rolls the die and answers a corresponding question, such as "Who has helped you this year?" or "What is a memory you’re thankful for?"


  • Each die number corresponds to a question.
  • Roll the die and answer the question that comes up.
  • Pass the die until everyone has shared.

3. Show and Tell: Bring a Symbol of Gratitude

Encourage each participant to bring an item that represents something they are grateful for. It could be a family photo, a book, or a handmade item. Sharing the stories behind these objects adds depth to your Thanksgiving gathering.


  • Create categories like “Family” or “Memories” to guide participants.
  • Keep explanations brief to maintain the flow of the game.

4. Gratitude Conversation Starters

Conversation starters are perfect for engaging guests in meaningful discussions. Write various gratitude-themed questions on cards and have each guest pick one. Examples include:

  • “What’s your favorite Thanksgiving memory?”
  • “Who has inspired you this year?”

This game helps everyone feel included and prompts thoughtful sharing.

thanksgiving gratitude activities

5. Thanksgiving Left or Right Game

This storytelling game involves passing a small object around the table as a narrator reads a story filled with “left” and “right” cues.

How to Play:

  • Sit in a circle.
  • Every time you hear “left” or “right,” pass the object in that direction.
  • The person holding the item at the end of the story wins!

6. Gratitude “Would You Rather”

Create a set of “Would You Rather” questions focused on gratitude. For example, “Would you rather give a meaningful gift or express gratitude through words?” This is a great way to understand others’ values and start fun conversations.

How to Include These Gratitude Games in Your Thanksgiving Celebration

The key to successful Thanksgiving games is incorporating them naturally into your family gathering. Here’s how to do it:

  • Set a Specific Time: Suggest playing these games before dinner or during dessert.
  • Create a Relaxed Atmosphere: Make sure everyone feels comfortable and isn’t pressured to share.
  • Mix and Match: Combine different games throughout the evening to keep the mood lively and engaging.

Personalize Your Thanksgiving Gratitude Games

These games can be adapted to suit different age groups and interests:

  • For Kids: Use simple drawings or short questions they can answer.
  • For Teens: Ask more introspective questions, like “What was a challenging moment you overcame this year?”
  • For Adults: Create spaces for reflecting on past experiences and personal growth.

Conclusion: Make Gratitude Games a Thanksgiving Tradition

Adding Thanksgiving gratitude games to your family traditions not only makes the holiday more enjoyable but also nurtures a habit of thankfulness. Make this Thanksgiving the start of a new tradition by including these games in your celebration and watch how it transforms your gathering into a deeper, more meaningful experience.

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